Ancient Greece and its great classical thinkers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, and Heraclitus have deeply influenced every aspect of our culture: from philosophy to theater, from mathematics to geometry. And their works are still rich in inspiration for our work today.
“Excellence is not an act, but is a habit” is one of these.
The meaning of this phrase, vaguely attributed to Aristotle, is that the best skills and virtues are not innate, but derive from experience, repetition, and perseverance. Until they become customary. Or, indeed, a habit.
Philosophy and coffee grinding.
To discomfort Aristotelian ethics in coffee grinding, of course, may be extreme. However, we have been working, with continuity and perseverance, in search of excellence and perfection in our grinders for more than 50 years. And we have gained solid experience. The results prove us right because no one else in the world makes coffee grinders like ours. And our customers are used to our excellence since years.
But we, honestly, are not. We don’t have the habit of excellence. We know that to stay excellent, we have to keep getting better day after day.
The excellence of our grinders at WOC Athens.
The Greece of the great classical thinkers is hosting the next edition of the World of Coffee, where companies, professionals and enthusiasts of the coffee industry and culture meet in Athens from June 22 to 24.
We too will be present at the WOC in Athens, with Colombini MA and Angel, the smallest of our coffee grinder range, versatile and precise, specially designed for demanding laboratories and coffee shops and for small roasters constantly looking for perfection in their ground coffee.
But we can also talk about MAC3, more specific for capsule coffee, or MAC5, the most powerful, capable of grinding up to 2000 kg of coffee per hour for filter use, 1200 kg of espresso, and 300 kg of turkish coffee.
Get used to excellence. With Colombini grinders.
Come to Athens and discover them. You will find us in booth #2 C25.